Early reading reward are infinite.
But time is limited
At 4 years old, brain cell connections (synapses) exceed the number of stars in our entire Galaxy.
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Sounds (Phonemes)
Brain Cells By 1st Birthday
one Quadrilian Neuron Connections
Our NFTs
Personalized Lessons
Every child’s DNA, family, environment and personality are unique. Their brain will make most of its connections based on the words they hear, the symbols they see and the lessons they learn before they go to to kindergarten.
This means that every child’s path is different, even if the destination, such as early reading, is the same.
A secure, tamperproof record of what your child learned during the optimum window of opportunity, pre-K, has never existed. Until now.
Real-Time Results As Your Child Learns
Feugiat sed iaculis id viverra sagittis enim. Convallis vestibulum enim lorem enim etiam ullamcorper at rhoncus. Auctor at pellentesque turpis pellentesque. Nulla eu ipsum quisque viverra in duis in dui blandit. Consequat sed tellus. Feugiat sed iaculis id viverra sagittis enim. Convallis vestibulum enim lorem enim etiam ullamcorper at rhoncus. Auctor at pellentesque turpis pellentesque. Nulla eu ipsum quisque viverra in duis in dui blandit. Consequat sed tellus.
Your Family’s Rewards Help Others
When a child reads at age 3 or 4, friends with children and grandchildren realize it’s possible. Invariably, more friends and family see it’s possible and their children start to read early also.
But this is a slow process that typically stops spreading once that first child enters kindergarten. Perhaps more importantly, the resources that helped that child learn faster are rarely recorded by date and time so that others can follow in that first child’s foootsteps.
Your child’s secure, anonymous learning record feeds artificial intelligence that can help other child accross the country learn faster.
Participation on Brainsprays Earns Read Tokens
Lectus egestas amet, purus ut massa scelerisque viverra semper. Eu pellentesque duis sed urna donec malesuada adipiscing auctor. Mauris in feugiat ultrices aliquam ac, ut. Elit nisl aliquet faucibus ipsum nascetur. Accumsan amet, quis tristique nisl, ut enim condimentum porta. Sed libero risus leo, vel. Diam magna montes, risus sed eu massa. Pharetra. Elit nisl aliquet faucibus ipsum nascetur. Accumsan amet, quis tristique nisl, ut enim condimentum porta. Sed libero risus leo, vel.
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